19-year-old Nigerian boy marries his 15-year-old boo in the north (photos)

Published on by Olayiwola Ola-Stanislaw

19-year-old Nigerian boy marries his 15-year-old boo in the north (photos)
19-year-old Nigerian boy marries his 15-year-old boo in the north (photos)

The photos of a 19-year-old boy and his 15-year-old couple have gone viral for obvious reasons. The duo was seen rocking different attires in the different pictures of them posted.

With the look on their faces, the two teenagers look prepared and cannot wait to get married. But for the fact that they are young and should probably be in school, many people would have found their styles adorable and worthy of emulation.

Irrespective of the things being aired about early marriages, these two are getting married and would be starting a life together.


What is your view about early marriage?

What has the experience of early marriage taught people,the negative and the positive?

Should early marriage be encouraged or discouraged?

Who is at disadvantage in early marriage, male or female?

Who is to be blamed for early marriage, the couple or the parents?

Put your comment in the comment box below, let the world hear you out.

19-year-old Nigerian boy marries his 15-year-old boo in the north (photos)

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