Shall we focus? By Salaam Rasak O.

Published on by Salam Rasak O.

Shall we focus? By Salaam Rasak O.

Cherished is the subject of focus in the life of a successful human being, business, organization or society as a whole. Focus worth more than weight in gold and it is capable of bringing a great deal of good when appreciated. 

Against this backdrop, appraising the theme of focus is far more away a trivial endeavor. Focus is the concentration of attention on a particular set goal. It is unarguably clear, from experience, that focus propels to victory than even having the required potentials. Case in point is an example of a rigorous football match. Hypothetically, Team A may be better off Team B in skills and qualities, yet Team B may emerges as the winner when focused and determined. There are a number of instances to justify this claim. For example, Chelsea ousted Barcelona from Champion League in 2012 despite the latter dexterity, Liverpool recently astonishingly mauled Manchester City without recourse to the glory given to the latter, likewise Bayern Munich tattered Barcelona Champion League dream in 2013 despite the supernatural belief of the latter, among others. 

The basis for citing those examples is to established the fact that focus is fundamental to success. When focus is lacked, an individual lacks every other virtue expected to engineer success. Consequently, there is a need to prioritize the element of focus in our daily lives. We cannot continue to live on mere ambition coupled with weak attention or efforts and expect brilliant results. 

Again, a failing nation like Nigeria is caught in this kettle of fish. The leaders do not only lack focus, but pathetically being aided by vision-less followers who are ready to succumb to their order at the slight of oiling their palms. More than at any other time in our history, the people must stand tall in demanding good governance and should not lose focus in ousting failing individuals. More importantly, only focused leaders could deliver good governance cum prosperous socioeconomic and political systems. We must not compromise this at the poll. At the individual level, imbibing focus is central to achieving our yearning hopes and demands. For once, shall we focus? 


More than at any other time in our history, the people must stand tall in demanding good governance and should not lose focus in ousting failing individuals. More importantly, only focused leaders could deliver good governance cum prosperous socioeconomic and political systems. We must not compromise this at the poll.

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